Ecological Consultancy
& Research

VisAdvies is an independent research and consultancy agency specializing in the field of fish stocks, fish migration & telemetric research, fish passages, fish welfare and legislation.

VisAdvies Services

VisAdvies in the field

Fish Migration Research & Monitoring Techniques

Fish Migration Research & Monitoring Techniques
Visadvies has extensive knowledge of migration behaviour and offers a wide range of monitoring techniques.
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Fish Migration Facilities

Fish Migration Facilities
VisAdvies helps water managers to solve fish migration issues.
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Fish Safety

Fish Safety
VisAdvies offers various services for determining the fish safety of pumps, turbines and engineering structures
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PIT Telemetry

PIT Telemetry
VisAdvies looks for a unique solution for each location to make your PIT project a success.
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Water Framework Directive

Water Framework Directive
The WFD focuses on water quality, protection and sustainable use of water, as well as drought and flood control.
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Sonar equipment can be used to understand the quantities of fish present in a body of water.
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Conventional Fisheries

Conventional Fisheries
VisAdvies staff have extensive experience in setting fykes and sampling with seine, Pelagic trawl and electrofishing
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Law and regulations

Law and regulations
Since January 1, 2017, the Nature Conservation Act (Wet natuurbescherming or Wnb) has been in effect.
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Projects & Publications

On this page you will find all the projects and publications of VisAdvies.
You can search within the list by year, the title or client.
All Projects
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The fish of the Hunze

Spring 2024, in collaboration with professional fisherman Mans Vos, fishing was conducted at the Oostermoer pumping station and in the Hunze river at the weirs in the Voorste- and Achterste Diep. A portion of the captured fish was equipped with a PIT tag, allowing them to be registered at various PIT stations within the management area.
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Reintroduction of the Atlantic Sturgeon

The reintroduction of the Atlantic sturgeon in 2023 is an important initiative aimed at restoring this endangered species in European waters, specifically in the Netherlands. The goal is to restore the population of the Atlantic sturgeon in their historical habitats in Europe, including the rivers in the Netherlands.
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Passage turbine Singraven

Cooperatie Duurzaam Singraven owns a small Archimedean screw turbine on the Singraven Estate. The screw has a fish-friendly design with fish bumpers on the blades and operates at a low speed. As a condition for the realization of the Water Power Plant (WKC), monitoring is required for the natural fish migration. In this monitoring, all fish passing through the WKC (from upstream to downstream) are captured in a trap and then assessed for any damage or mortality.
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Test on fish survivability of Bedford (model 80.05.12)

For the past few decades the welfare of fish in their natural habitat has become a serious issue. For this reason, fish must be able to pass pumping..
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Atlantic Salmon

Introducing VisAdviesAMF

The new platform for managing PIT telemetry data.
VisAdviesAMF is a cloud-based database for storing, managing and visualising your PIT telemetry data. It provides the necessary tools and insights into your PIT telemetry research and helps you quickly prepare detection data for further analysis.

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What Our Clients Say

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VisAdvies has been asked as a consultant to perform fish monitoring and evaluation for research on the effects of operating the hydropower plant at Linne. They do this in an independent professional manner and has staff with a lot of experience in this field. VisAdvies also actively develops innovative monitoring techniques and applies them appropriately. In addition, they give advice in ongoing research and consultations. RWE has found in VisAdvies an adequate and reliable partner for a large number of ecological challenges related to the operation of the hydropower plant in Linne.

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Till Schneider

Hydro & Storage Hydro Environment

Waterschap Hunze en Aa's operates as waterboard in the northeast of the Netherlands to ensure healthy fish stocks. Good knowledge about the development of fish stocks and migration patterns of important target species are crucial. VisAdvies supports the waterboard in this by setting up PIT monitoring systems and performing data management in a cloud-based database. A highly insightful and well-functioning system that gives us a better understanding of migration movements and a good contribution to achieving healthy fish stocks.

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Peter Paul Schollema

Aquatisch ecoloog

I have been working with VisAdvies concerning PIT telemetry for almost 15 years. Together we built one of the first pit-antennas in the Netherlands. Since then VisAdvies has become experts in the field of PIT telemetry. VisAdvies is knowledgeable, fast and reliable in its work.

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Jeroen Huisman

Senior onderzoeker visecologie Van Hall Larenstein

Since 2012, Noorderzijlvest Water Board has been actively monitoring fish using PIT telemetry from VisAdvies. By applying PIT telemetry, we gain insight into the functioning of fish passages. We also gain insight into the fish migration routes within our management area. We are very satisfied with VisAdvies' services. VisAdvies has the knowledge and skills to set up innovative monitoring techniques such as PIT telemetry and works professionally.

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Roy van Hezel

Beleidsondersteunend medewerker Water

VisAdvies conducted research for Wetterskip Fryslân concerning the migration behavior of three-spined sticklebacks at pumping station De Heining. I experienced the collaboration as very pleasant. The years of experience are reflected in an efficient and meticulous working method. The communication is transparent and straightforward. Visadvies is flexible and you can always rely on a sound and useful result.

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Wouter Patberg

Adviseur monitoring waterkwaliteit en ecologie