Nieuws > PIT-Telemetrie
Wireless Internet Module (WIM) for the PIT Telemetry systems
The Wireless Internet Module (WIM) for the Oregon PIT Readers facilitates data transfer from the study site to your office over the Internet in a fully automated way. The data is uploaded in any desired frequency (once a day by default) .The data is transferred through a 3/4G Internet connection or a LAN network )if available at the study site’.
The main purpose is data transfer from remote study sites. A second, important purpose is to monitor the progress of the PIT Reader system to avoid unnecessary “down-time”. In case of a battery powered system (solar), course of the battery voltage can be consulted at any moment.
(Raw) data processing
The data will be made available instantly after the data is transferred from the study site. Additionally the WIM is equipped with automated sensors to continuously collect water temperature and flow rate. The fish telemetry data can accurately relate with the aquatic measurements. The WIM is for sale or is for rent. For more information about the WIM download the brochure the manual or contact directly one of our employees.